Here is the boxart and new images for the upcoming January 2012 Master Grade, the Heavyarms. The kit is due for release on 26th Jan for a price of 3800Y.
Here are some scans from various February 2012 hobby magazine issues featuring upcoming Master Grade kits such as the Duel Assault Shroud, AGE-1 and Heavyarms ver.EW.
Here are some new information and images of upcoming Master Grade Gundam kits such as the Full Armour Unicorn, Heavyarms ver.EW, Duel Assault Shroud and Gundam AGE-1.
Here are some new official images of the MG Heavyarms ver. EW. The kit is due for release in January 2012 for a price of 3,990Y. Gallery after the jump.
The All-Japan Mokei Hobby Show is currently running in Japan and Bandai are showing off some of their upcoming kits such as the MG Sandrock, MG Full Armour Unicorn, and the just-announced MG Heavyarms ver.EW. Gallery after the jump.