TvZ is a great matchup. It generally comes down to map control + army positioning. If the terran can stay on the same # of bases (or more) than the zerg player, it should be a win. If the zerg player gets ahead on bases, they will become increasingly hard to contain, and you will be overrun.
You have pretty much all options open for playing against a zerg player, but you have to be willing to adapt your strategies on the fly, as zerg can change army composition very, very quickly. Early hellion + marine pressure will really hurt a zerg who didnt open roaches, and marine marauder does the same to a roach opening.
Vs baneling openings (baneling busts), a different approach is needed. A thick wall using barracks and factories is a good start, and from there (since a bling bust is 1 base 90+% of the time), you can start to muscle up a big mech army, which will melt virtually any compositon they can put together, short of mass roach. Because of this, there is an optimal army vs zerg. It will vary based on your style, but they almost all have Marauders, Hellions, Siege Tanks, Thors, and Ravens. You can add in some vikings if they have hive tech (broodlords), and make sure to get 250mm cannons for your thors. 1-shotting an ultralisk shouldnt be overlooked. On a different note MnMnM is VERY strong vs zerg, even through the midgame. If you opt for MnMnM, make sure to move your marauders and marines separatly, as you will need to get marauders inbetween banelings an the marines, or else you will be doomed.
Zergs tend to use flanking maeuvers often, so be prepared with some heavy units to soak damage in the back as well. Baneling bombs (dropped from overlords) are becoming increasingly popular as well, and these are quite hard to stop. If you see some OLs flying in, its probably worth FFing them down to save your army from the banelings.
Often TvZ will come down to positioning. If you can funnel the zerg army into a choke, you will probably crush them handily.
The 1-1-1 opening Vs Zerg – An overview
The 1-1-1 opening, as popularized by the great TLO, is a great and versatile style, and I wanted to go over some of the nuances I find with the build. First things first, lets go over the basics: The 1-1-1 build means 1 Barracks, 1 Factory, 1 Starport. I’ve seen it done with addons, without addons, with a million addon swaps, and you can really do whatever you need to do with it, that’s the beauty of it. I’m going to break down a few different possibilities for the 1-1-1, and situations where you would use what units / addons, and the situations where 1-1-1 is optimal. 1-1-1 is the best because it allows you to work on the fly, and do a lot of improvisation based on what you are scouting.
That’s not to say you can do whatever you want and it will win, it actually means you need to play a much more reactive style, and because of this the 1-1-1 is defiantly the most advanced of the terran openings. Because of how versatile it is; I have had to come up with some notation for how to use this opening, because there won’t be nearly as specific of build orders for this build. I will be doing this like one of those old choose your story books, where you flip to page 43 if you want to go into the basement, or 44 if you stay on the first floor (hopefully you know wtf im talking about). Follow the capital letters to get to your build order.
General info for this and any vs zerg builds: Always try to have a thick wall vs zerg if you can, it will save you from the baneling busts which are oh so popular. NEVER STOP MAKING SCVS.
Vs 15 Hatch
So your scout sees a 15 hatch, this really opens the doors for the T to be aggressive early, and what units you will use generally depends on your own style + the map you are on. 1-1-1 is an OK opening vs 15 hatch, but you can also 3 rax all-in and hope for the best. A lot of zergs will throw down about a million spine crawlers if they see you push with a bio ball, which can put a big wrench in your plans.
On Kulas Ravine and Desert Oasis
I almost always will go tech lab on my rax, get a 2nd gas before my factory, and go reapers early. You can also go reactor hellions (see the section for the other maps) Their ability to abuse cliffs makes them absurd on those maps, as you can bounce back and forth between their nat and their main, and more than likely you will do significant damage with them. Make sure to get vision on as much of their base as possible. If you see a roach warren go down, try to take it down before it finishes. With 2-3 reapers this wont be too hard. I build my factory once my gas hits 100 again (which will take a bit if you are constantly producing reapers out of 1 barracks).
If you didn’t do much damage with your reapers, see A.
If you took down their expo, or just generally raped their econ, see C or D.
Keep the tech lab on your rax and start making marauders. You will need them in case of a roach push. If he teched to tier 2, then, see B; If they stayed tier 1, see C;
Get an armory and a thor before starport if you scout a spire*. 1 will Thor will stop mutas cold. While the armory is building, swap techlab to the factory and make 2 hellions and 2 marines. Save up 200 gas for your thor. Make sure its pretty close to your SCV line, because 5 mutas shred them really fast and you will need the thor ASAP. Start your starport after your thor starts. You can do any number of things with your starport, and it should be reactionary to whatever the zerg is doing. Ravens w/ seeker missile are amazing vs hydra roach, for the record =D. Since you are playing defense and surviving, you’re off to the midgame!
Swap your Techlab to your factory, get siege tanks and siege mode. Build a reactor with your barracks and start your starport. Swap the reactor to the starport and get a medivac +a viking. Then pump Vikings, and marines from your rax to defend ur minerals. Use the medivac to ferry around your siege tanks, and use the Vikings as a spotter. On Desert Oasis, harass their main from across the ledge with your tanks, and on Kulas, you can either contain them in their main by planting on their highground expo (and siege their extractors,) or put them on the highground above their expo if you didn’t kill it the first-go around. If they manage to defend your harasses without dying- Off to the midgame!
Your first reapers just stomped out their expo, the zerg is then taken down to 3 good options: 1 base speedling/baneling, 1 base roach (see E) or tech tier 2 and work from there. If you don’t see a roach warren, keep making reapers out of your barracks, and start making hellions out of your factory. *If you see a spire go up see B immediately*
Get your 2nd gas at this point and get your starport. Use the reapers and hellions to roast their zerglings (which they do with ease), and inevitably they will build spine crawlers to defend themselves (or you just won). Build a techlab with your starport, keep making hellions to contain the zerg, but swap your starport’s techlab to the factory as soon as it’s done, and get siege tanks to finish them off. Build Vikings / medivacs with ur starport, depending on what you think you will need. Harass any buildings you can with your reapers, and start making marauders from your barracks. Because you should basically be in their base this whole time, you can expand whenever you have 400 minerals, and you should break off from this guide if they do anything unexpected. I will always go for gold minerals if they are contained well.
Don’t build your starport. Get 2 more barracks and mass marauder / siege tanks. Make sure to get stim pack and concussion shells. Your goal here will be to push into their base before their tier 2 tech can really come on-line. Otherwise- off to the midgame!
On the other maps:
I’ll pump 3-4 marines out of my barracks, and start my factory at 100 gas. After my factory starts I’ll get 2nd gas, and build a reactor on my barracks.
Factory will finish, I’ll have enough time to build 1 hellion before the reactor finishes, addon swap, and I’ll make 2 more hellions and continue making marines.
I’ll start my starport, and then when my 2 more hellions finish (keep making them, though), ill send the first 3 out to harass, and I’ll move my marines halfway to their base.
3 hellions 1 shot drones, fyi, so if you just queue them up; you’re going to roast A LOT of them. When your hellions get there, the zerg shouldn’t have much except a few lings. With some good micro you should roast them no problem, and then its on to the drones. You should really do some damage here, and all the while you will be getting a techlab on the starport you started when those hellions went out. Also your next pair of hellions should be sent directly to their mineral line as well.
The better micro you have the more you can get out of these hellions. If you rock their harvesters with your hellions and prevent them from having a good econ, use the techlab on your starport to reaserch cloak, and get a banshee. Then harass with said banshee. This can either open the doors for a finishing push, or you can be on to the midgame! If you didn’t do well with your hellions, see A from the previous section.
Vs Baneling bust
When you scout a baneling bust (early gas + bling nest), make sure to get your factory in your wall. Never leave a single supply depot as part of your wall, always reinforce it with a bunker or a tech building. The bling bust is a serious all in- and you can stop it with a good wall and good repairing. Since you went 1-1-1 you have basically every option for what you want to counter with, but once they roll into your wall and lose their whole army you should be good to go for the win. If they just contain you once they see how tight and awesome your wall is, I reccomend going a heavy viking composition to rape overlords and drop on their min lines from time to time.
Vs 1 base muta
See B from the vs 15hatch section. To scout 1 base muta, they will be teching to lair early, and getting double gas. Once they are on lair their spire should go up almost immediatly. If you get a good scan in and see this, do B + get an engineering bay and throw up 2-3 turrets by your min line. That will give your slow thor time to waddle over there to finish off any mutas that straggle. You can push with marine hellion thor viking after the first wave of mutas dies over your SCV line. Pull a few scvs for repair and you should be able to finish them off no problem.
Vs Zerg Midgame play
The midgame is crunchtime vs zerg- as lategame zerg can gain a large advantage in macro. Heres my assumptions for getting to the midgame:
Your harasses have been largely thwarted, but you have kept the zerg mostly in their base. They poked out with some mutas or roaches/hydras- but realized that your defenses were tight and pulled back on defense. You are both have taken your nat.
What now? I’m going to split this up into 2 sections: Bio and Mech, and you should go whichever way feels natural based on your opening. If you open multiple barracks, stick with bio (and get medivacs). If you open 1-1-1, you can transition to mech pretty easily. In addition; the third (and largely less explored option); heavy starport play can be very effective, but is much harder to pull off. If you want to explore this option, get 2 starports for every base you have (one tech lab one reactor), and build banshees (get cloak) and vikings. Use the vikings to snipe off overseers, and then tear their base up with the banshees. Again much harder to pull off, and easier to counter (a few spore crawlers puts an end to your fun). Onto the meat and potatoes:
The Meat (Bio)
Bio in the midgame is a risky endeavor. Large #s of banelings and infestors, with hydras and roaches, can present a very tough route for your army. You can, however, take advantage of the mobility of medivacs and whittle away the zergs defenses (and tech structures). Tactics like double and triple location drops, and bunker pushes (largely underused for the record), will be your friend.
The setup: You are going to want a large barracks count for a bio game. On 2 bases you should have minimum 7 barracks + 1 starport with reactor. Make sure you get upgrades. You should have 4+ bunkers up at your natural / ramp up to your main for when your army is at home. Dont be afraid to get a raven or 2 early to build up energy to support your bio army. Detection IS important vs good zerg players who will lay baneling mines (unburrow autocast!) or try to sneak you with burrowed roaches/infestors.
The Plan: Bio is much more mobile than mech- so your first goal should be to set up to take a 3rd base, and continually scout for signs of the zerg taking their third. When the zerg takes their third, you can swing into action. While this dosen’t always work, It will, at the very least, keep the zerg off your base long enough for you to setup your 3rd, and have another army waiting for them when they arrive at your doorstep.
Step 1: split your army into 2 groups, the main group, and 2 medivacs + 8 marauders.
Step 2: Send the main group to his third base, send the 2nd group *loaded in the medivacs*) outside the zergs main. Now 1 of 2 things will happen. The zerg will either let his expo die (B), or he will go defend it(A).
Step 3 A:He defends his 3rd. You drop on his base with those 2 medivacs loaded with marauders, and focus fire down his tech structures. These will go down fast, and are often clumped together for easier killing. A good zerg player will build a batch of lings to come meet your marauders, but with the medivacs there you should have no problem getting his hydra den/roach warren/bling nest- or spire depending on what unit mix he is going. From here, if you have been macroing well and are continuing to build army- it should be a quick win when he cant build his primary army units in time.
Step 3 B: He lets it die. Secure your third base and get ahead on econ. Once you are ahead economically; build more barracks, and focus on trading armies with the zerg. You can keep going right up the middle at him, as long as you are staying even with them in the army battle you will eventually run him out of resources, and can win that way.
Of course- the zerg could be awesome and defend your drop on his main AND your attack on his nat, and you could both wind up on 3 bases and you have 7 barracks and 1 starport with a reactor… What now? (See Zerg Lategame Play)
The Potatoes (Mech)
The midgame mech push has been what zerg has been crying about since the start of the beta, and for a reason. It might be slow, but its methodical and oh so hard to break.
The setup: You are going to want to have 3 factories for every base you have, 1 with a reactor 2 with tech labs. Agaisnt 90% of zergs you play against, the right army ratio will be 2:1:1 (hellion:tank:thor), as it handles pretty much anything. Upgrades are super important here, both armory and techlab- Preignitor, 250mm cannons, and siege mode, are all neccesities for the mech build.
The Plan: Scout + harass expo attempts with your hellions, but with this strategy you will need to be cautious; if they push on your thors and siege tanks with lings / blings (or some kindof drop), you will need those hellions back at your army asap. Your goal should be to try to set up tanks outside their natural, and then slowly.. SLOWLY work your way in. For every 4 or so tanks you have, you should move 1 at a time up. (EG: You have 4 tanks, only ONE should ever be out of siege mode at any time). Make sure to bring a few SCVs with you to build turrets and repair. Turrets are SO important, as a good zerg player will get burrow move with his roaches and infestors. Nothing worse than losing because you forgot to get a detector. Ravens make great additions to mech armies as well, so dont be afraid to build 2-3 of those to add into your mix.
While this is pretty straightforward, you need to be very wary of drops and nydus canals, because they can put a stop to your plans very quickly. Once you get moving on their base, Attempt to secure a third AND a 4th quickly, because if they break your lines you will need to replenish troops quickly or be overrun.
Vs Zerg Lategame
Coming soon.