Stage 47 – The Welcomed Victors | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

Stage 47 – The Welcomed Victors

Zeta unlocks the Biosensor ability.


Getter can now change forms AFTER moving.


We now have a pageful of FUBed units.



Stage 47: The Welcomed Victors


A whole bunch of DMs appear…


And Gaiou…But he leaves after some trash talk.


Now this is crap. All the enemies are Rhinomons and we have 3 turns to defeat them all for the SR Point. On a side note the stage must be cleared by stage 4 or else it’s game over.


End of turn 1. Most of the DMs are out of reach, so it’s a whole turn wasted moving.


Turn 2. All the DMs that weren’t in range moved in to attack. I decide to start powering all my guys with Morale up (if they have it).


Time for some beam saber action! Camille Souls up and destroys 2 rhinos at the bottom.




With my guys powered up, lots of Hot Blood/Soul and Continuous Action, I’ve eliminated all Rhinos except 1. And Setsuna is still available.




Easy. No reinforcements too. What a dissapointing stage. Although if your guys aren’t sufficiently upgraded I can see how thig might be slightly hard.


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