Stage 16 – Contact


I do my usual routine of Sub Orders and upgrades before going to the next stage.  I put some upgrades on Chirico’s Scope Dog.


We have another choice for a route split at this stage.  The first choice is the ‘Open’ team, while the bottom choice is the ‘covert’ team.


Since I said I would follow Gundam 00, we’re going covert.


Crow’s debt is now down to  790,000G.


The awesome thing is that once you select the route split option, the game goes back to the intermission and you can do Sub Orders again!



Scenario 16: Contact


You can sortie 12 units out of 15, so you can pretty much send everyone.  Chirico is automatically sortied.


You get 2 turns to destroy everything for the SR Point.


Starting placements, with 16 enemies to take down.


End of turn 1.  I’ve charged through the enemy frontline, taking out a few guys.


Turn 2.


Deathscythe’s Hyper Jammer attack = win.


SR Point get!


An enemy Scope appear, who runs off.  Chirico follows it and runs of as well.


The AEU/OZ show up.


And so does the Britannia Union.


Here’s a problem.  The Nova Eagle took some heavy damage in my turn, and now Aoi has to survive the entire enemy force.


Luckily she does, and this is what the map looks like on Turn 3.


I take advantage of Zero’s Offense tactics to boost the right group.


I pretty much wipe out the right side by end of Turn 3.  The Union group is proving a bit more tough though.


Turn 4.  I actually missed the bottom of the map where Noin and Zechs were hiding out.


In a pretty screwed up turn of events, Setsuna and Graham end up double parrying each other.


Graham tries the same shit on Tieria, but he can’t block gigantic GN Beams.


Uhh blowing up Graham makes the rest of the Britannia Union forces retreat.  Since we want the money, we’re going to redo it so that Graham/Zechs die last.


Once defeated, they retreat.


So flash back to Chirico, who pissed off earlier in the stage. There’s now another sub-mission where you have to destroy the other Scope Dog.


Chirico isn’t really good on first dates. He showers her with machine gun fire and…




In mother Russia, this is how we say hello!


Anyway, the Ptolemy arrives to pick up the remains and the stage comes to an end.


You get Red Shoulder parts for Chirico’s Scope Dog after clearing the stage.

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