Tetsujin gets the FUB treatment and now all of it’s weapons pierce barriers. |

Heero gets E-Save while Gamlin gets B-Save. |
Insalaum has been absent as of late, they did just deal with the loss of most of their forces as well as Wayne on top of Marguerite’s betrayal. Needless to say Uther isn’t happy with how things have turned out and has started to rely more and more on Anbrorn who has been given pretty much free reign on her little DM projects. It also appears that Marilyn has taken up the role that Wayne once filled even if she lacks the fancy title she’s the enforcer now.
Anbrorn is extremely happy that she can do as she pleases and promises great things to present to Uther. Not like Uther expected any less. Marilyn asks how Uther is holding up since becoming supreme badass and a True King. Uther is doing fine and doesn’t intend to let Wayne’s last act of service go to waste. More than ever Insalaum needs their ruler to be strong and to lead them, something only Uther can do.
Marilyn is completely loyal to Uther and will deal with anything that troubles that handsome face of his, though Anbrorn reminds Mailyn to behave herself. Uther takes this moment to assign a great force to Marilyn and reminds her that he’s counting on her to accomplish many things before taking his leave to try and sort out all the things in his head. Marilyn can’t believe the trust he has put in her and for him to leave just like that. No matter, be it upon the battlefield or not she shall serve Uther to the best of her abilities!
Anbrorn hopes that Marilyn will meet expectations and tells her not to worry about Uther, she has other priorities. Marilyn decides to play with Anbrorn than, besides she has grown quite fond of Auntie Anbrorn. Anbrorn likes her commitment and looks forward to her results which Marilyn says she’ll perform, after all she’s Marilyn Katto! Any less wouldn’t be fitting for someone like her!
The Celestial Being Boys are discussing what has happened and talk of the Innovades who have been quite quiet as of late. Their absence has allowed them to liberate Japan but it’s still unnerving not knowing that they could be doing. Crowe sees no need to get worried over this, after all they still have OZ, Britannia, and White Fang to deal with. Which doesn’t even seem to bother Crowe, they’re just another hurdle until he has paid off his debts.
Allelujah isn’t so sure with Crowe wondering what he could mean by that. As that’s going on Amuro notices that Quattro seems uneasy, in fact he is. He knows the views behind Millardo and Trieze quite well and if things were different he may have even agreed with them. Of course Amuro needn’t worry, he has no intention of going back to his old self. Thanks to his time with all of them he understands that forcing such change upon people would never work out.
Saji has been behaving himself but now he can’t help but be depressed. Setsuna wants to know what’s the matter with him since he seems down. Saji says that he’s still wrestling with the fact that Lelouch was Zero the entire time. Setsuna doesn’t see any reason to worry about such things. Saji then approaches Kallen and is quite glad that things worked out for her. Kallen demands to know what he could possibly mean by that. Saji is taken aback, guess Kallen isn’t being true to heart after all.
Whatever the case Kallen reminds Saji that he has things he needs to do and to man up, there’s no reason he should be worried about her. Marguerite intercedes and mentions Japan which gets Kallen to cool off, seems mentioning Japan in a good light is her soft spot. Enjoying the sight of a surprised Kallen she then turns to Esther who’s on hand. Marguerite talks about Insalaum and Uther with her again and her determinations. Kallen can’t help but be taken aback by Marguerite’s straightforwardness and her little speech of fixing Insalaum. Esther too is surprised by Marguerite’s determination and worry’s that she has some tough competition after all.
Marguerette asks if there’s a problem since both are just staring at her. Kallen says that it’s nothing, whatever the case Marguerite says that she’s happy that they settled things with Japan and that the Japanese people can rightly call themselves Japanese once more. Of course it’s all thanks to their efforts and everyone shouldn’t be afraid to celebrate a little. Esther of course loves being praised and the idea of celebrating gets her excited. Marguerite doesn’t mind either and actually looks forward to hanging out with the two girls.
Saji is enjoying the sight of the three beauties bonding, though Setsuna must ask if Saji is still troubled. Well, of course he is but he isn’t going to wallow in it. Saji says that he has already decided to save Louise no matter and will convince her to see the truth. As for Lelouch, he wonders if he’ll be able to mend fences with Suzaku. Setsuna reminds Saji that he isn’t alone, he’ll be there when Saji saves Louise. Setsuna talks about Japan and Zero keeping his word of liberating them. Shouldn’t Saji be glad about this development? Saji is and thanks Setsuna for his concern. Setsuna thinks of Marina, soon the world she’s trying to make will be a reality.
Trieze and Schneizel are enjoying their partnership, both are clearly trying to one up each other but right now they can’t afford to off the other just yet. Instead they talk about how much of a threat ZEXIS has become. Millardo sees no issues but he would like to know more of his enemies. Schneizel explains more about Zero’s motives and that surely ZEXIS will come for them. Millardo questions if ZEXIS is truly that large of a threat. Schneizel says that they indeed are to the world they’re trying to create.
Dorothy walks in and comments that she’s surrounded by three ridiculously handsome men. Anyway she has come to report that her side of things is done and that she’ll do as Millardo has asked of her. Millardo likes hearing that, Dorothy is a good girl. Schneizel takes this moment to flirt with Dorothy who flirts right back, though he has another thing coming if he thinks a few choice words will get her to melt like a school girl. Anyway, with Charles gone Schneizel is pretty much the defacto ruler of Britannia and isn’t afraid to strut his stuff which Dorothy seems to enjoy.
Of course Dorothy questions what Schneizel is trying to pull but he sees no reason to divulge too much information just yet. Wang Li Mei appears and has come to give Millardo more information, for she has become quite smitten with the world he’s trying to create. Trieze isn’t surprised that Millardo has enlisted Wang Li Mei’s help. They could use whatever they can to defeat ZEXIS. However, Millardo is more worried about locating Relena and if he can look upon her after starting these wars.
Trieze says that she’ll turn up eventually, Millardo figures as much too. Wang Li Mei doesn’t like being ignored and asks if her services are adequate. Millardo questions what she wants, she just wants to see this dreadful world changed. Dorothy can’t help but get on Wang Li Mei’s case who takes it quite well. Dorothy wonders why Wang Li Mei is even here since plenty of others want to change the world. Also, if she recalls Wang Li Mei used to be an loyal supporter of ZEXIS at one time.
Wang Li Mei tells her to stop speaking about such things, that was in the past. Dorothy decides to relent and engages Trieze and Millardo is small talk before she leaves with Wang Li Mei. Millardo has gathered some pretty interesting people, even Trieze admits that he’s impressed at what Millardo is up to. Just this year alone Millardo used to be his henchman but look at him now. This almost makes Millardo laugh. Anyway they go back to discussing their partnership and their little schemes to change the world. Millardo still can’t help but think of Relena however since what he’s doing is the last thing she would want of him…

第51話: 戦乱の王ピースクラフト
Stage 51: King of War Peacecraft |

We get the 00 Raiser as a forced deployment, along with 24 others. |
Saji |
Zero…What’s Suzaku doing now? |
Zero |
He’s currently in isolation on the Ptolemaios 2. We can’t afford to have him on the Ikaruga for now. |
Toudou |
Kururugi Suzaku is a bastard who betrayed his own country! |
Saji |
Is that really alright, Zero? |
Zero |
…It’s out of my hands. |
Saji |
But aren’t you friends with Suzaku? |
Setsuna |
Enough Saji. The enemy is arriving. |

Goodman seems to have fit in snugly within Millardo’s little alliance after all, which is a surprise to everyone that he’s even still alive.
Of course the Wing Boys are more than a bit surprised at the sight of all those Mobile Dolls especially the red and blue ones that seem to be performing on a whole other level. Dorothy explains that she’s using the Epyon system, thanks to Millardo, to control all the Mobile Dolls at once. Which she thinks he’s amazing for coming up with a way for a human to control these bloodless dolls at a distance and looks forward to seeing them perform as they dance to her tune. Sumuragi isn’t deterred and rallies ZEXIS. On the sidelines is Wang Li Mei who wants to see who’ll change the world, ZEXIS or the allied forces. Personally she doesn’t care who wins, just that the winner will decide everything.

SR Point: Defeat all Vayate and Mercurius by Turn 2. |

The standard opener applies. A Confuse goes off from Duo to offset these crazy mobile dolls, followed by my ace pilots rushdown. |


About 1/2 way through the turn. |

I have Heero do a Souled Rolling Buster in the middle of the Vayate pack. Setsuna had Flash cast as to not get BBQed by his Gundam bro. |


End of turn 1. |


Another Confuse from Duo. |

Since most of my guys are above 120 morale now, I try to have my guys snipe a Virgo before going for one of the Mercuriuses or the Vayaetes. |

From here on in, it’s as simple as rushing them down to get the SR Point. |

SR Point GET! |
Once all the dolls are defeated Dorothy can’t believe that she has failed Millardo and that his system failed. Dorothy isn’t much of a loser though and swears that ZEXIS will pay for having her dolls trashed in such a manner. Hong Long states to Wang Li Mei that ZEXIS has prevailed against the dolls. Wang Li Mei expected as much, mere dolls can’t change the world after all. Feldt detects an incoming enemy. Sumuragi demands to know what it is, Feldt says the GN signatures are a match, it’s a Gundam!
Setsuna is surprised to see that it’s Nena Trinity, she’s still alive! Nena isn’t here for pleasantries and has come to kill Wang Li Mei. Wang Li Mei doesn’t understand what’s happening, Nena was her pawn! Nena explains that she’s through being used by Wang Li Mei and will now take revenge against her for her brother’s deaths! This is what Wang Li Mei gets for working with their killers! Wang Li Mei tries to convince Nena to stop this but she isn’t persuaded and says that she knows that Wang Li Mei used her brothers and had them discarded when she was done with them.

With that this is good bye and she kills Wang Li Mei. Setsuna can’t believe that happened as Nena breaks down and says that she finally killed that bitch and soon she’ll go after the Innovades too! Everyone that screwed with her is pretty much on her list for killing. Haro turns on and says that Nena was a fool and that she will now be judged for her sins. Nena isn’t so sure and is in fact glad that her brothers killers are coming, saves her the time of finding them.

However, instead of the Innovades showing up it’s a severely drugged up Louise who immediately recognizes Nena’s Gundam as the one that killed her family! Andrei is extremely worried about Louise who goes off the deep end and rushes over and tears Nena’s Gundam to pieces within seconds.

Setsuna begs Louise not to kill Nena, she shouldn’t kill for revenge! Saji of course just pissed himself over Louise being all psychotic. Louise ignores them and with remorse she kills Nena who didn’t want to die.
This leaves Andrei in shock as he watches the blonde break down into crazy laughter while begging her mother and father to praise her for avenging their deaths at long last.
Setsuna can’t believe that Louise seems to have fallen completely into Ribbons thrall. Saji of course wants to save Louise while she’s vulnerable. Setsuna is up to that as well and Kamille confirms his suspicions that Louise has been manipulated mentally since they last saw her. |

Setsuna gears up to fight Louise but Mr. Bushido appears and wants to settle things between them now! It’s what he must do, though Setsuna questions why he’s so obsessed with him still. Simple, he is a warrior and the Gundam is the ultimate foe whom he must overcome! |
Kallen |
Suzaku! |
Zero |
Who released Suzaku?! |
Sumeragi |
It was my decision. We’ll need him for this fight. |
Zero |
But…! |
Saji |
Suzaku… |
Suzaku |
Don’t worry Saji, I’ll rescue Louise! |
Saji |
You’ll save her…? |
Suzaku |
…Saji…I still owe you an apology for that time in the prison. I hope this will be be enough. |
Setsuna |
You’re wrong…! |
Zero |
Setsuna… |
Setsuna |
Kururugi Suzaku…! That’s not the reason why you’re you’re doing this for Saji! |
Kallen |
Because we’re friends, Suzaku! Even Louise and Saji! |
Zero |
Friends… |
Saji |
Suzaku… |
Suzaku |
Saji…we’ll save Louise! |
Saji |
Roger! |
Bushido |
That Knightmare Frame…It’s the Knight of Seven! |
Suzaku |
I don’t go by that title anymore. |
Bushido |
What? |
Suzaku |
I no longer serve the Britannian Emperor…I am a knight with no master. |
Bushido |
So that’s how it is eh! You’re working for Zero now! |
Zero |
(Knight of Zero…) |
Bushido |
Then what the hell are you fighting for!? |
Suzaku |
I fight for justice! That’s the meaning of my existence! |
Toudou |
Kururugi’s movements have changed! |
Heero |
Kururugi Suzaku…that man has finally overcome his doubts. |
Zero |
(Suzaku…he’s taking advantage of the Geass I cast on him…and turned it into a weapon…) |
Zero |
(He’s really something…) |
Bushido |
Very well, Knight of Zero! Let’s engage in a honourable fight to the death! |
Bushido |
We’ll find out which is supreme! The code of the Knight or that of the Samurai! |
Zero |
Suzaku! |
Suzaku |
Watch me Zero! This is my battle! |

Here’s the map after the event. Bushido is at the east, Andrei is at the west, while Louise appears off the track at the southwest. |

First things first though, and Kallen murderizes Goodman. He questions the supposed alliance he’s in as he orders his ship to retreat. |

Next, Setsuna claws his way to Bushido, and almost manages to one shot him with a Hot Blooded Raiser Sword. Which is kinda sad since I actually expected it to kill him :S |
Suzaku |
I have to live! Even if it means fighting! |
Bushido |
Excellent, Kururugi! Fight me at your best! |
Bushido |
Only then will I be able to push myself to my limits! |

Suzaku finishes him off.
Upon his defeat an event happens.
Though Mr. Bushido is defeated he refuses to relent which Setsuna can’t understand why. They both than end up naked and in a Burst where they finally meet face to face. They know who the other is since they met before in the past. They have a heartfelt talk over their differences with Setsuna explaining that they’re here because of the Twin Drive System and that he’s undergoing Innovation. Mr. Bushido wonders if this is the peak of human evolution. Setsuna starts to understand Mr. Bushido and his eyes go all Innovator mode. to prove his point.
Mr. Bushido returns to reality and is confused as heck over what happened and starts swarming Setsuna with demands such as why he hasn’t killed him already. Setsuna calms Mr. Bushido down by saying that Mr.Bushido must live on for tomorrow just like Setsuna is. Mr.Bushido takes his flight as he tries to sort out everything he has learned. Toudou then says that there goes Mr. Bushido, a worthy adversary. Setsuna on the other hand has a lot to think about due to that encounter.
When either Mr. Bushido or Louise are defeated Crowe senses something. Esther asks him what’s wrong with Crowe saying he knows this feeling all too well. Aim appears much to Marguerette’s fury. Crowe says that this is typical of Aim to appear to collect his sphere during this chaos. Aim doesn’t deny this and says that Crowe is as sharp as ever. Aim asks if this is a bad time, of course he doesn’t care.
Shinobu isn’t taking this and wants to pound the heck out of Aim. Banjou tells him to calm down and he tells Crowe to get out of here since Aim is here for his sphere. Crowe hesitates with Esther worrying over him. Aim breaks out in laughter and says that his powers are far reaching than they can even imagine! In this space full of lies he is absolute! Esther wonders what Aim means by filled by lies. Aim goes on to repeat his lying power.
He says that Zero has granted him this power with all his lies, for even now he’s lying by wearing that mask! Suzaku and Zero don’t know where this is all going with Aim continuing his rant that Zero has given him all the power he needs. Aim also exposes all of Suzaku and Zero’s sins to try and get them to return to killing each other once more. Aim also gives thanks to those like Millardo who also have granted him power as well through their actions! For now there isn’t one Aim, there’s many Aim! Through all their efforts and petty squabbles his sphere has transcended a new level entirely, observe!
Aim summons forth multiple copies of himself. Just as Aim had said his powers had evolved and Marguerite is surprised that he was able to clone himself. Not clones, they’re all the real Aim! Crowe questions if this is the true power of Dimensional Energy which Aim says that it is and his power has grown immensely. With this power he’ll spread discord and fill this world with lies until “they” and the spiral nemesis comes for him! Aim breaks down into dribble which confuses the hell out of Esther.
Crowe says that once Aim has become like this, thanks to his sphere, it’s impossible to speak with him anymore. Suzaku and Zero use this moment to glare angrily at Aim. Kallen says that Zero and Suzaku should join forces and to put that freak into his place! They can’t let Aim’s lies divide them, they need to forgive and forget! ZEXIS also chips in that they will beat the crap out of Aim and his lying ways for they still believe in Zero! Saji goes to convince Suzaku that he needn’t hold his grudges, and that they all would love for him to return to being their friend again. It’ll be like the old times!

Duo hits his Confuse for the last time to refresh the effect on the newly arrived Aims. |

And I spend the next few moments cleaning out the rest of the mooks. |

Having done as much as I can, I send Heero to do a Souled Rolling Buster in the middle of the AimPack, getting hits on 4 of them. Real Aim has ~90K HP, while the fake ones have 24K. |

Aim’s melee attack stuns, which is demonstrated on Kallen as she gets countered and hit on 30% hit rate :S |

Ugh Kira’s Souled Super Dragoon MAP misses out on killing 2 by 500HP! |

Whenever a clone Aim is defeated it taunts ZEXIS and says that Aim is pretty much his own legion. Defeating one means nothing.


Using some Enable/Move Again spam, I manage to defeat all the Aim clones. |

Real Aim manages to stun Amuro as well, what the hell. |

End of turn 2 |

Real Aim can also move twice, as he makes a beeline straight for Crowe.
Aim eventually encounters Crowe and wants their little game to finally come to an end. It has been quite some time so it’s a shame they haven’t had a chance to settle matters til now. Crowe says that his feelings are the same which is pretty strange that he agrees with Aim. Aim goes on to say that Crowe has awakened to his power with Crowe telling Aim off for trying to decide things for others once again. Crowe says that he must defeat Aim whose villainy he cannot just ignore any longer.
Aim says that no matter what Crowe says he can tell that what he has said is a fact. No matter, despite the power Crowe has obtained he’s still no match for Aim who has transcended onto a whole other level! Crowe tell Aim that he needs to stop looking down on others already. Of course this is Aim here so Crowe decides that he’ll just to teach Aim a lesson. Though Aim should know that his defeat here has nothing to do with the power of the spheres!


Wufei takes out Andrei. |

Aim is Exhausted down to 100 morale in preparation for his beatdown. |

The penultimate step is dealing with Louise, who’s stuck all the way at the bottom here. I send the Destiny boys to deal with her, since they are the closest ones. |

Winners don’t use drugs Louise! |
Louise has a breakdown when she’s defeated, she wants to make them all suffer for what they did! As she starts rambling like a madwoman Amuro tells Setsuna that this is just like before and he needs to move now. Setsuna doesn’t understand with Amuro going on to confirm Setsuna’s suspicions that Ribbons has taken hold of Louise and she’s no longer in control of her own actions! They need to get her out of that mecha now! However Louise quickly retreats with Saji being depressed over her vanishing. Setsuna tells Saji not to despair, they’ll save her. Saji says he knows but he’s worried that Louise will only get worse with time.

It’s time to deal with Aim! |

Finally, Crowe punches a hole through Aim to seal the deal. |

Marguerette |
Is he immortal?! |
Crowe |
! |
Esther |
What is it, Crowe!? |
Crowe |
He’s coming…! |
Shinn |
Akasim! |
Kappei |
That bastard escaped from the ZONE! |
Aim |
Akasim Dowan! Not even you can defeat me right now! |
Akasim |
I see…you actually think you have the upper hand… |
Aim |
I’ll send you back to the abyss you came from, Cursed Wanderer! |
Akasim |
I’m going to enjoy killing you before I take your sphere. |
Aim |
You wish to reap me don’t you, Sphere Hunter? Do you really think you can do it? |
Akasim |
Do you want to know the reason why I entered the ZONE, Aim Liared? |
Aim |
! |
Akasim |
In the flow of the Origin Law, I felt the power of the Taiji flow through me! |
Aim |
Why you! |
Akasim |
You were careless, Lying Black Sheep! After all, it was thanks to you I now know how to use this power! |
Akasim |
Let me educate you…The power of my sphere is the one you should fear the most. |
Akasim |
The power of the Inquisitive Goat! The power to expose your lies! |

??? |
What can I do for you, chief? |
Researcher |
Hamal. Are you able to get me a data analysis of this O-Part? |
??? |
Y-yes… |
Researcher |
You sure? Last time you messed up you blamed it on me. |
??? |
Well last time we had that unfortunate accident. There won’t be any problems this time. |
Researcher |
Good, I’ll need it by next week. |
??? |
All right, I’ll try get you some good material. |
Researcher |
I’m counting on you. If you fuck up again, I’m not sure if there’ll be a job for you next time. |
??? |
… |
??? |
(What the hell am I supposed to do….There’s no way I can do this analysis…) |
??? |
(I lied my way to get in, but getting onto this project was a mistake…) |
??? |
(I…I hate this….but it would be a waste to let this position go!) |
Shinn |
What the? What was that vision just then? |
Akagi |
That was…Aim’s past… |
Renton |
He kept telling lies till there was no going back… |
Roger |
And somehow we just saw the truth…! |
Akasim |
That’s right…that’s the power of the Inquisitive Goat, one of the two spheres I hold! |
Gainer |
The Inquisitive Goat… |
Akasim |
The key to triggering the Inquisitive Goat is the curiosity of people. |
Akasim |
Insatiable curiosity can uncover the ultimate truth. Even the lies of the Lying Black Sheep! |
Akasim |
And it was “her” curiosity which lead her to be swallowed by the darkness. |
Aim |
Uwwwwwwwwwagh!!!!!!!!! |
Akasim |
How does that make you feel, Aim Liared? Or should I say, Hamal Argo? |
Akasim |
Your lies have been exposed and your Sphere’s power no longer holds any meaning. |
Crowe |
I’d say it’s looking pretty grim for him. |
Akasim |
Each of the 12 Spheres has a cause and effect with another. For example, your Swaying Scales resonates with the Inexhaustable Water Jug, increasing in power when working together. |
Crowe |
You mean Uther and my Spheres…? |
Akasim |
That’s right. I’m sure you remember that very moment when the two of you were able to tap into the Origin Law. |
Crowe |
When we turned Esther back into a human… |
Aim |
N-no! I’ll finish it this time, really!!! |
Akasim |
Now then, Hamal Argo. The time for me to reap your soul has come! |
??? |
I won’t allow that! |
Marguerette |
Seiouki! |
Esther |
Prince Uther! |
Uther |
Aim Liared! I won’t let your ambitions ruin Insalaum any longer! |
Uther |
In the name of the Holy Saint King, I shall pass Judgement on you! |
Aim |
! |
Aim |
Uwaaaaaaaaaagh! |
Crowe |
Aim… |

Uther |
So this is the Sphere of the Lying Black Sheep… |
Uther |
In the name of those who lost their lives by that man, I have avenged thee. Rest in peace. |
Crowe |
Aim…it looks like you’re really gone this time. |
Crowe |
Guess I’ll see you in hell, you lying bastard. |
Crowe |
But for now, there are still things I need to do in this world. |
Uther |
… |
Crowe |
It looks like Uther managed to take that guy’s Sphere, somewhow. |
Akasim |
Excellent, your highness. You’ve not only defeated Aim, but claimed the Lying Black Sheep, all for the love of your homeland. |
Uther |
… |
Akasim |
In order to awaken your Sphere, that man had to cause you a lot of hardship…Inexhaustible Water Bearer… |
Akasim |
Normally kindness is essential for a ruler of any country… |
Akasim |
…but in this case, only by bringing Insalaum to the brink of ruin could achieve that end! |
Uther |
For the sake of this power…I had to ruin Insalaum… |
Akasim |
But if Aim Liared didn’t lead you down that path, I would have. In other words, your kingdom was doomed to fall from the very beginning. |
Uther |
Akasim Dowan, the Cursed Wanderer….it is not just you who are my enemy. |
Uther |
For you managed to escape even the ZONE! |
Uther |
For it was YOU who helped him escape the ZONE! |
Gaiou |
… |
Marguerette |
The Lord of Destruction! |
Kouji |
You were the one who busted Akasim outta the ZONE! |
Gaiou |
…We are comrades. |
Akasim |
Uther Insalaum. We’ll settle this score later. |
Akasim |
Until then, I’ll let you keep the Lying Black Sheep! |
Uther |
The fiends… |
Esther |
Prince Uther… |
Uther |
Ryouma |
We’ll settle things here! |
Uther |
So is that what you desire… |
Uther |
Unfortunately, we can’t. As of today, the Holy Kingdom of Insalaum has entered an alliance with the Earth Federation. |
Esther |
What the!? |
Heero |
So Zechs and Treize have joined up with Insalaum…! |
Roger |
There’s no way the Earth Federation would agree to this! |
Noin |
(Zechs…) |
Sumeragi |
This completely tips the balance of power between the U.F.N and the Earth Federation… |
Uther |
The U.F.N…even yourselves, are now completely outmatched. |
Uther |
Your little resistance is now futile. You should stop while you still have your lives ahead of you! |

Marguerette |
An alliance between the Earth Federation and Insalaum… |
Esther |
Is this…the end of our fight? |
Crowe |
Hell if I know… |
Crowe |
(Aim…call it karma or some fucked up sense of justice, but in the end it was the truth that destroyed him…) |
Relena and Marina are sad that the world has turned out for the worse and the wars seem to have no end in sight despite all their efforts. Sheryl tries to cheer up Relena but her words don’t reach her. Even Marina gets depressed which just leaves Sheryl as the only one not on the depression train. Now that’s awkward but she doesn’t give up on trying to get them to see the bright side of things. Relena eventually cheers up and resolves to continue her good works.
Marina is surprised but Relena is optimistic, she’ll do whatever she must for peace. Sheryl is glad Relena is back to her old self as she takes off. Marina wishes she had the strength Relena has but Sheryl tells her that she does. Or does Marina doubt all the good she has already done? Sheryl eventually gets through to Marine who thanks her.
Zero |
Suzaku… |
Suzaku |
From this point on, I shall be known as the Knight of Zero. |
Saji |
Knight of Zero…. |
Suzaku |
I’m a knight with no king or country…I’ll fight for my own beliefs now, along with ZEXIS. |
Zero |
That’s… |
Suzaku |
But don’t get me wrong, Zero. This doesn’t count as my forgiveness for what you’ve done. |
Zero |
That’s fine. I don’t expect it after what I’ve done. |
Zero |
I can’t bring myself to forgive you either. |
Saji |
Suzaku…Zero… |
Kallen |
Leave them be, Saji. This is probably the best they can be, for now anyway. |
Saji |
B-but… |
Kallen |
I know Saji. I’d like to think that one day, all of us might be able to go back to school at Ashford. |
Kallen |
Of course, Louise would be there too. |
Saji |
Thanks, Kallen. |
Soma is watching this with Crowe wondering if seeing Zero letting go of such a grudge has changed her way of thinking. Soma denies this and says that she still desires to avenge Sergei. Crowe finds that Soma is being very rude, what’s her deal? Allelujah reminds him that Marie still hasn’t surfaced again. Crowe knows and he tries to talk Soma out of living for revenge but she rebukes him and leaves. This makes Crowe wonder if she’ll ever let go of her hate. Allelujah thanks Crowe for trying with Crowe saying it was nothing. However, Allelujah would like Crowe to keep trying with Crowe saying he’ll continue try to bring Marie back out alongside Alleujah, though for his troubles Alleujah will gladly share a drink with him.
Suzaku |
“…Nothing is unforgivable…All that means is you’re not willing to forgive…” |
Zero |
What was that? |
Suzaku |
Someone once said that to me. |
Zero |
…A wise person. |
Suzaku |
Zero… |
Zero |
I understand. We both reject the world of lies which Aim Liared has created. |
Zero |
That’s why I’ve finally decided to be honest with myself. I thought you might feel the same as well. |
Suzaku |
You and I have lost everything… |
Zero |
But we’re still alive. That’s why we should fight for those we have lost… |
Zero |
For that world that Euphie and Nunnally desired! |
Suzaku |
Very well, Zero. I’ll fight with you until that day comes. |
Zero |
(Suzaku…I knew you’d pull through in the end.) |
Zero |
(Even in a world twisted by the lies of Aim Liared…) |
Zero |
(I always believed in my heart that we shared a special bond.) |
The power of Friendship is most potent in Super Robot Wars.
^Followed closely by singing.
However that is off the point here…
Oh… I can imagine a skit on Drugs playing on Louise, Saji and Setsuna…
“Louise, no! Don’t take the ecstasy, meth and…!”
Also, the fact that you translated that line about Graham/Bushido and Suzaku made me feel awesome while reading it.
Good job, looking forward to the next one, however I have about 1~2 more weeks to go before I can work on the AB for the Macross Stage… So yeah, take your time, haha…
Nicely done overall, but nothing special on this stage, I think, but significantly different from Normal 51.
To be fair, the drugs are really just nanomachines in her bloodstream that makes it very easy for Ribbons to Innovade and control her. After all he was going pretty far to turn her into a True Innovator since before Setsuna was shot Louise was the only one effected by both the Red and Green GN particles in such a way. So Ribbons really at fault for her going off the loose end… Than again she does down a lot of those pills thinking they’ll make her feel better.