Bandai Namco have released the first PV for the upcoming PS3 port of Gundam Extreme VS Full Boost. There's also some new screenshots and info of the first-print DLC unit, the EX-S Gundam.
Naughty Dog has just announced that a new Uncharted game will be making it's way to the PlayStation 4, along with a very short teaser video. Video and analysis after the jump.
Similar to the Hi-Nu that came with the console version of EXVS, Bandai Namco have announced that 'first print' copies of the game will come with a DLC code for an exclusive MS.
Many, many, many moons ago, I used to collect figurines, hoarding enough to fill up 3 Ikea glass cabinets. Now that I’ve got a better set up for taking pictures, I’m going to slowly catalog my entire collection a bit at a time. My first post...
Ninja update! Now that I have my lightbox I figured I'd go back and take some pictures of this MG Gato's Gelgoog that I finished way back in April 2006.
The upcoming PS3 and PS Vita anime-crossover SRPG finally gets a release date in early 2014. Plus, a new promo video going through some game systems such as Ability Crash and Extra Attack.
Bandai Namco have just released the 3rd PV for the upcoming side-story to 2nd Original Generations, Dark Prison. The game will be available as a digital download in 2014 for 3,000Y, users who purchase OG Infinite Battle will get a download code for the...