Frame Arms Girl Gourai Type 10 Little Armory | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

Frame Arms Girl Gourai Type 10 Little Armory

This photoshoot is for a kit I built almost one year ago. I have this really bad habit of finishing kits and neglecting to complete the full photoshoot until much later, and I’m kinda trying to get a bit back into the groove of properly documenting my stuff in a reasonable timeframe.

The build took about 2 weeks, and I found most of the time was prep work. There are just so many seams to fix, with 10 on the main body alone! Some of them like the foreamrs involved gluing / welding all the seams, painting the green/brown, and then masking to paint the black stocking(?) parts.

After that it was pretty much smooth sailing, unlike Gunpla where there’s alot of panel lining and decals, once the painting was finished that was the end of the job. There’s still more areas that needed masking for complete colour accuracy, but since this is my first time, I just opted to skip them. This being my second time painting skin tones I thought I did slightly better, though was quite surprised as to how much lighter it looks once the paint dries a bit.

This being the version 1 of the Gourai she isn’t too flexible but I found she could at least do some convincing poses inspired by Call of Duty / Metal Gear Solid. I love the aesthetics of the final product, but posing the kit absolutely DESTROYED the paint job, much like the Diver Nami I built at the same time.

I still have quite a few of these to go through in my backlog, and while I do like the look of the final product, I’m kinda sad that 90% of the build for these type of kits involve fixing the same seams and masking, which are the worst parts of the hobby for me.


Action Pose

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