HGBF Veetwo Gundam

The Core Gundam has received pretty much rave reviews since it was released, and after building it I can wholeheartedly agree. There are zero seamlines on the kit, with everything using using stepped molding to disguise them as panels. This made building and painting the kit an absolute breeze. The Gundam itself is also very poseable and the whole Planets System gives the feeling of a very feature rich kit with alot of play options. Not gonna lie, I had quite a bit of fun first putting all that armour onto the little plane, then dressing up the Gundam itself.

One major downside of this kit is of course the way Bandai have decided to market and package it. The Veetwo Gundam itself doesn’t come with any weapons beside the spray gun, so you’ll probably want to buy the separate Veetwo weapons kit. This gives the Gundam a more imposing silhouette with the backpack weapons and the bazooka addons, but the bazooka itself is very awkward for the kit to hold due to the massive stock. Once the backpack is equipped, the massive hover jets on the back also kinda restrict movement of the arms backwards.


The Core Gundam in this package comes in the “G-3” Gundam colours. I was tossing up between painting it in the canonical colours or painting it in OOB colours. Since I have been painting the standard Gundam colours so much, I opted for the G-3 colours so as to expand my repetoire a bit. I think it turned out pretty nice and I’ll probably use this colour scheme for an upcoming Impulse Blanche build.

White – Grey FS?? base coat, followed by Gaianotes EX White (100%) for shading.

Purple – Gaianotes Purple (90%) + Mr Color Neutral Grey (10%). White is added for shading.

Light Grey – Gaianotes Neutral Grey II (95%) + Gaianotes Purple (5%), white is added for shading.

Green – Gaianotes Stone Green (85%) + Gaianotes Cobalt Blue (15%). White added for shading

Dark Blue – Mr Color Blue FS(??) (80%) + Mr Color GX Red (20%) Base Coat, white added for shading.

Internals – Gaianotes EX-Black base coat, followed by SMS Stainless Steel.

Weapons Grey – Gaianotes EX-Black (90%) + Mr Color Neutral Grey (10%), followed by Gaianotes EX-Black (80%) + Neutral Grey (20%) for shading.

Core Gundam

This being my first full Gundam photoshoot in about a year, I felt I was a bit out of practice and as such there are some overexposed shots which I had to edit manually. There is somewhat of a brightness difference between the macro and zoom lens that I use, and I kinda forgot to reduce the exposure time while using the zoom lens.

Planets System + Venus Armor

Veetwo Gundam

Veetwo Gundam with Veetwo Weapons

Action Pose


  1. Desolation (@lavimcmin)

    I’ve been strolling through all of your Gunpla works, gotta say they are all pretty awesome. May I ask how did you create the black background in all of the picture and what camera or phone do you use for shooting?

    1. YJ

      I use a Canon 800D, and my photo booth set up is as follows: https://www.saint-ism.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/photobooth.jpg. The black is a cloth I bought from the fabric store.

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