MG Duel Gundam WIP #3 | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

MG Duel Gundam WIP #3

Okay on the last WIP, I still wasn’t quite happy with the shade of blue on the Assault Shroud parts. So I stripped them yet again, and this time I repainted using a mixture of something like White + Cobalt Blue + Blue Grey + Violet + Medium Blue. I then added white for highlights. Note that the difference in lighting / shitty phone camera may skew the tone a bit.

Left: 1st paint, Middle: 2nd paint, Right: 3rd (and final) paint.

It’s kinda in between my first two attempts and I think I’ll stick with this.


Ugh this orange piece on the Assault Shroud armour caused me a bit of grief.



I only realised after painting this ‘orange’ piece on the Assault Shroud armour that it’s actually supposed to be the same blue as the Assault Shroud. Only the little vents are meant to be orange. The thing is, I’ve seen various Duel Gundams online and it looks good in either orange or blue, so I had a hard time deciding whether to leave it as is or repaint the blue.


In the end I decided to go with the blue, however the tone doesn’t quite match up since I ran out of the blue mix which I originally used for the Assault Shroud.


Next up is the black parts on the Assault Shroud, and some parts which I’m going to paint light grey.


To create a two tone look on the beam rifle and bazooka, I’m going to paint these parts in a light grey colour. I used like Neutral Grey (70%) + Black (30%) as a base coat, then used Neutral Grey (100%) for highlights. I went ahead and added a little extra White for a 3rd layer of highlights.


Time to mask off some parts before I paint the internals. Here’s the beam rifle from before and the forearm AS parts. I’m going to be painting those vents the same colour as the internals.


Internals before and after painting. I used a base coat of like Neutral Grey (70%) + Black (30%), then highlights with Neutral Grey (90%) + Black (10%).


Here are some before and after comparisons of the various weapon parts showing the two-tone effect.


Finally everything is done and painted! There’s still a bit of handpainting/detailing to do on the weapons I’ll be starting panel lining and decaling this weekend. I’m hoping to be able to finish this kit by next weekend.


  1. arya pratama

    hello, my name arya. May I ask some question about my problem when I take paint part of Gundam’s body, 1 month ago i’ve overspray on right cover shoulder, left and right footlegs of my HGFC Shining Gundam. Same condition when i have when i paint the bodyshell mini 4wd tamiya, look like sand particle. I always paint them with acrylic lacquer paint. my question is how to reduce overspray when i paint the gundam’s body part and bodyshell mini 4wd tamiya during paint job? thank you

    1. YJ

      Hi there, your question isn’t quite clear, but I’ll try to answer.

      Are you using spray cans to paint? By sand particle do you mean the paint is grainy? If so, make sure you shake the can well, spray light coats at a distance. The weather you spray in also affects the finish, if it’s too cold or too humid it can affect the paint.

      Post a picture if you can.

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