MG Blitz Gundam preview | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

MG Blitz Gundam preview

Last week I mentioned on Twitter that I’d just finished working on an MG Blitz Gundam. Since I’ve been building this guy in almost complete secrecy (or rather I’ve been horrifically lazy in writing WIP posts), here’s some preview shots of the ‘almost finished’ product:



I say almost because soon after taking these pictures, I started taking notice of the seam lines on the Glepnir. In my haste to mod the yellow hooks so they can be painted separately from the grey attachment, I broke a part, and now have to wait for replacement parts to arrive before finally finishing the kit and taking pictures.


  1. Huckebein

    WHERE u get replacement prats from?

  2. YJ

    http://parts.genteikits.com/ . However he is quite backlogged so you may have to wait quite a while.

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