TBSTactics’ Super Robot Wars Z Challenge playthrough | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

TBSTactics’ Super Robot Wars Z Challenge playthrough

Matthew Emirzian of TBS Tactics has been known for squeezing every last bit of challenge out of Super Robot Wars games, playing with no upgrades whatsoever while attempting to finish the game in as few turns as possible.

Watch as he prepares for Jigoku Hen by doing a challenge run on the original Super Robot Wars Z on Ex-hard with low turns, minimal reloading, all 59 SR points, all 21 ending points, and at least 7 ZEUTH points.

TBS Tactics YouTube channel


  1. MJ

    Hey thanks for the shoutout. Z3 is going to be lots of fun.

    And yes this is a pretty difficult SRW challenge.

  2. YJ

    Look forward to your Z3 run. I wonder who will have the OP MAP attack in this game? lol

  3. MJ

    @YJ Is Turn A Gundam returning? They took away Renton’s MAP attack in Z2-2 but it might return.

    I believe Ideon is making an appearance so I’d put my bet there.

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