Super Robot Wars OG Saga Masoukishin III – Pride of Justice announced | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

Super Robot Wars OG Saga Masoukishin III – Pride of Justice announced

An announcement for the 3rd Masoukishin game has come out of the woods, with the official site and PV going live within a day of appearing in Famitsu. The game is slated to come out on 22nd August for both PS3 (7,480円) and PS Vita (6,480円).

First print editions of the game will also include a code which lets you unlock an alternate Valsione skin from SRW OG: The Inspectors anime.


You can also find additional screenshots at Famitsu’s article.

Thanks to Daizengar for the tip.


  1. zxyu0369

    we have so many SRW game to play in this year

  2. […] Bandai Namco attraverso le pagine dell’ultimo numero della rivista Famitsu ha rivelato di avere in […]

  3. daizengar

    Yea and I really hope they finish it of with OGS3 so we can finally put that saga to rest and move on to a different future, one with NEW originals.

  4. Bossjoe

    ANNNNND Pre-Ordered!!!! This is gonna be awesome

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