I’m pretty sure we all had the same reaction when we saw this scan floating around on the Interwebs today, but I’m here to debunk the rumour that we’ll be seeing an announcement for a sequel to a game that’s only officially supposed to be out today.
The above scan is from what appears to be from V Jump, a Japanese magazine covering manga and video games. You can see that they’ve listed 第2次スーパーロボット大戦UX (lit. The 2nd Super Robot Wars UX) as one of the games. After getting excited and kinda confused, I ended up scratching my head and concluding that this must be some kind of typo. And a really bad typo at that.
After all, UX is due to officially be released today – most people haven’t even played the game yet, so why would there be a sequel announcement now? Normally, excluding any irregular delays, SRW games are released within 4-6 months after their official announcement, which is still way too soon.
Furthermore, V Jump’s official site also contains some rather obvious typos, with UX already being erroneously listed as 第2次スーパーロボット大戦UX as early as it’s February issue, with the link going to 2nd OG’s site instead.

Keep in mind each monthly issue of V Jump is pegged more than a month in advance. This Feb article was released in Dec 2012, already listing a 2nd UX.
But until V Jump’s May issue actually comes out (due next week), we won’t be sure for certain this is just a bad error on V Jump’s part or some kind of troll, cash-in move by Namco Bandai. Your move, Terada.
Since all evidence points to this being false, I’m just going to say that while it’d be a pretty blatant cash grab, I WOULD like to have more games for my Japanese 3DS.