Super Robot Wars UX PV1, Official Site launches and new screenshots | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

Super Robot Wars UX PV1, Official Site launches and new screenshots


Talk about UX media overload! The official site launches, along with the first PV, and some new screenshots from Famitsu.

Promotional Video

Yes, for the first time on a Nintendo handheld, we get voiced battle scenes! Speaking of which, I can’t help but notice the animations still look very…”DS-ish”, which is starting to look quite dated. The cut-ins though, are still amazing, a trait of previous DS games.

Special 3DS Bundle

The game will also launch in a bundle with a console, featuring a 3DS that looks like the Map screen in game.

srw_ux_3ds_front srw_ux_3ds_back

Official Site

While there’s nothing much there yet except for the PV, the Official Site is here.


There are tons of screenshots at Famitsu’s article here, but here are some of my picks.

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