Updated with better images from Famitsu as well as a detailed breakdown of the Maximum Break and Continuous Attack systems.
It’s been a long time coming, but this week’s Famitsu magazine finally revealed that Super Robot Wars Original Generations 2 will be out on November 29th!
Maximum Break (マキシマムブレイク)
A new system called Maximum Break is in the game, this allows for 4 pilots to simultaneously attack an enemy unit, under the following conditions:
Combination Attack (コンビネーション攻撃)
This attack allows a unit to simultaneously attack enemy units which are adjacent to each other.

The number of units you can attack is based on the level of the Continuous Attack skill. At level 1 you can attack 2 units, the level 4 (maximum) you can target up to 5 enemies at once.

The unit will then attack the selected enemies. Note that damage decreases for each subsequent enemy, down to 70%, 65%, 60% and 55% respectively.
Images from Famitsu Magazine
Source: Famitsu
Seems Mai isn’t a part of the SRX mecha at the start, maybe they decided to keep her out of the R-Gun and are gonna let her play around in the ART-1 a bit longer so she can combo attack with Ryusei.
Looks awesome, hope to get it soon.
If continuous action is in this game, then expect easy clear I guess.
I hope Continuous Action is in aswell, sure it can make things easy but its good for speed runs and means if it is in there then the challenge will obviously be heightened to make up for that. I don’t have a PS3 yet but I’m getting one specifically for this game 😀 Roll on Nov. 29th!!!