Uncharted 3 Live Update addresses paid boosters, Fleet Foot, weapons balances in the works

Naughty Dog have put up a live update to Uncharted 3 which addresses some balancing issues such as the costs of paid boosters and Fleet Foot. Eric-ND also dropped a comment as to what weapon balances they are working on in the upcoming map pack. Hit the jump for the list of changes.

– Changed Mega Bomb kickback from 14 medals to 10 to activate

– Fleet Foot speed levels adjusted

– Increasing the cost of all four paid boosters.

Ping and Bargain now cost 100K. Untraceable now costs 35K. Explosive Expert now costs 25K.

– Changed Shotgun kickback cost increased by +2 medals

– Changed Creepy Crawler kickback cost lowered by -1 medal

– Fixed the drop of the Patterned Ring at the end of London Underground to work regularly

ND Blog

And here are Eric’s comments on the upcoming changes:


For starters, thanks for the feedback.

So here’s a QUICK list of some the items we’ll be addressing with weapons and medals in the next map pak:

– shotgun jumping

– G-MAL stopping power (just lowering it)

– Death From Above medal (it’s not functioning the way it should…. obviously)

– Tau Sniper ammo increase

We’re looking into issues starting today but those are the top tier items.

Thanks for reading.

ND Forums

The community seems split as to the Fleet Foot nerf, which seems to be negated by the high stopping power of the G-MAL. Hopefully the next patch will address this and bring the game closer to the long awaited sweet spot which everyone has been holding out for.

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