The latest set of DLC has just been released for Uncharted 3 and is now available for download. This includes the Rogues skins AKA the “Guys you probably killed in single player” pack 1 & 2, Doughnut “Biggest Loser” Pack, and a new co-op adventure ont the Fort where you play as derpy Eddy, zombie Lazarevic, and asian Flynn. Naughty Dog also announced that the next Flashback map pack will be released on February 21st, and contains the remaining Uncharted 2 maps (Train Wreck, Plaza, Temple and Village).
The DLC is free to anyone who has purchased the Fortune Hunters Club pass.
Co-op Adventure Trailer
Temple (Night)
Train Wreck (Desert)
Plaza (Sunset)
Village (Day)
ND have also released an image teasing the next DLC:
Source: Naughty Dog blog