...but first, what's a little joyride? Space combat is pretty fun. For the first few times. It gets mega old after that, but it is pretty much free XP.

Ord Mantell also happens to be the starting zone for Smugglers and Troppers. Anyway I don't really have any screenshots, but I'm told to 'visit' a secret Imperial base to determine what Darth Angral's next move is.

Turns out Angral is working on yet another WMD, called the Desolator. Apparently it can destroy entire planets. Sound familiar? I'm given a choice at this point to either go to Taris or Nar Shaddaa, for equally 'important' matters.

Somehow I didn't expect Nar Shaddaa to be this...colourful. The last few Star Wars games didn't really make it out to be this kind of place.

Anyway, I'm sent to find some missing Republic officers, who were investigating the Power Guard project. Turns out they were captured and being secretly converted into said Power Guards.

Just like this poor fella. Power Guards are basically cybernetically enchanced brainwashed soldiers...really? Why go to all the trouble?

Turns out a guy named Lord Sadic is behind the project. It's not long before I track him down and get ready to beat his ass down.

As a bonus I get this guy to help me out in the fight. He's one of the captured Republic agents who got converted into a Power Guard, but the power of my awesomeness managed to turn him back.

Which is actually pretty lucky, since Lord Sadic is no pushover. I die before barely missing out on killing him, but my NPC guy manages to kill him after I'm dead.

But not before some Heroic questing. It's kinda sad when you need FOUR Jedi to bring down one trooper.