Title tag on iNove theme

So you’ve checked the header.php, combed over every file in the WordPress theme settings but can’t seem to find where the <head> and <title> tags are on the iNove theme? Well here’s why.

If you download the iNove theme and have a look at the files, you’ll notice that there are actually 2 header.php files, one in the ‘Templates’ directory and one in the root directory. The WordPress only has access to the one in the Templates directory, which unforutnately is the watered down version.

In order to make any changes to the <head> or <title> tags, you’ll need to either:

  • FTP into your server and manually edit the header.php file in the root directory
  • If you can’t FTP into your server for some reason, then the other option is to download the iNove theme in zip format, make the changes, then use the upload theme feature in WP to install your modified version.

There, one less mystery plaguing the millions of users using iNove!

1 Comment

  1. dotNetFollower

    Nice post!
    If you need to get the iNove’s sidebar smaller, just read the following article – http://dotnetfollower.com/wordpress/2010/12/get-the-smaller-sidebar-of-inove-theme/

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