A Japanese modeller (Gunpla Policy of Asayume) has completed a PG00 Raiser before it’s official release. Hopefully it will help you decide if the exorbitant price is worth it for this monster kit. Please view the gallery at his website below.
Link: Gunpla Policy of Asayume
wha his paint job! omg! nice shades but not dirty looking!
bro, check with you, was wondering how about u go on brushing ur kits. Do you prime everything, color everything, then finally coat everything? Or do you like say, pick out all the internal frame, prime it, color, top coat, than go on to other parts?
Normally I finish up on each colour before I goto the next one. For example I’ll do all the white parts, prime, paint, gloss coat. Then do the next colour etc. But I save the flat top coat until everything is put together, I think it helps to get a even finish.
Really, I don’t think it matters, just as long as you don’t get confused on what you’re working on
trying to save paint haha! btw bro, do you have any experience with epoxy putty? was thinking of modding abit of th hi-nu that i’m currently doing. Was wondering how to mold/expand/fatten some parts like keita did.
Can’t really figure it out.
mainly the front skirt, he made it wider and i was thinking of doing the same but not sure how about doing it as i have no exp with epoxy putty/plaplates whatsoever. Plus i was wondering what are the yellowish stuff on it, can’t figure it out lol.
Sorry ah keep asking u noobish questions ^^
Thanks it advance
I think the yellow stuff is the epoxy (after he’s sanded it down). I haven’t actually tried modding before, but I think you just cut out the pla plates to the shape you want, glue on to the piece you want to buff up, and use the epoxy to mold the edges to get the exact shape you want.
I don’t think it’s that hard really, give it a shot
i tried it last night. Was trying to achieve the flat leg plates keita did instead of the stock rounded ones. Was using 400grit which is too fine and ended up screwing it up. Eventually i used epoxy putty and filled the flat.. Gonna have alot of sanding to do haha
Haha man, at least you tried, you can write me a tutorial on how to mod stuff
haha i anyhow only leh! how to write T_T Recently trying some small mods only, but i failed at scribing panels lines! haha. Plus my next kit i can’t really do much modding/shading cause its a MG Blue Frame, wonder if shading would work on that kit…
bro u think its feasible to do shading on a mg blue frame 2nd revise? was wondering if i should do it. But the blue internal frame seems like a bitch to do shading lol
It’s possible, but I don’t think you’ll be able to notice the shading much because there’s not enough flat surface.
Maybe go metallic like this guy : http://www.hobbyfanatics.com/index.php?/topic/26272-160-astray-blue-pg/
he shaded the white parts too right? his shading very clean leh. i wonder how many times he went thru overlapping
oh ya btw any idea how to do his metallic colors?? he said he did candy coating, so for example its chrome silver on the frame, than blue over it? finish off with some gloss coat? flat coat would dull the shine right?
Yeah probably chrome silver base then clear blue. And finish with gloss. Flat would dull it a bit, but since I’ve never tried it I don’t know what it would end up looking like. Also see this guy
Also building Astray with metallic frame.
i am new to painting models so could you tell me how to do it?
Too much to say in 1 comment. This also depends on what you are using to paint, airbrush or handbrush? I suggest you look at tutorials on the net, and people’s work in progress posts.