Hi-Resolution Barbatos 6th Form | Saint-ism – Gaming, Gunpla, Digital Art  

Hi-Resolution Barbatos 6th Form

This was a commission build for a client. Since this kit was something that I wouldn’t normally purchase, I thought it’d be fun to work on. I didn’t expect that my client would send me the P-Bandai 6th form variant instead of the regular 4th form.

Suprisingly unlike the normal release, the only mekki plated parts are the gold, which the client opted to leave as is. The 6th form does come with new parts for the arms, skirts, chest and of course the big wrench mace. You don’t get the 4th form feet so you can’t buy this one and get everything, unfortunately.

The smoothbore gun and wrench mace have seamlines everywhere and requires a fair bit of modding or masking for easier painting. I was also suprised at the sheer amount of bare plastic on the frame. I was under the impression that it was fully die cast, but areas like the shoulders, ankles, chest etc are just plain plastic, which was a bit of a disappointment. We opted not to paint these as I wasn’t going to risk breaking the frame (replacement limbs cost like an MG kit!)

Overall pretty interesting to build, but I was pretty nervous putting it together. The limbs match this ratched noise when you move them which doesn’t sound pleasant. Images below, no posed shots or 6th form photos as I want my client to be able to enjoy their pristine new Barbatos!

5th form

With Graze Ritter pauldrons


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